Opening Remarks, Dr. Robert Reid-Pharr, Distinguished Professor, English, and Director, Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean, CUNY Graduate Center
Introduction, Abigail Lapin, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, CUNY Graduate Center; 2015-16 Public Humanities Fellow, New York Council for the Humanities
Panel 1: Blackness on Hispañola: History, Territory, and Nationhood
1. Diogenes Abreu, independent scholar, visual artist, and writer, New York
Sin haitianidad no hay dominicanidad (Without Haitian Heritage There Is No Dominican Identity)
2. Jean-Marie Théodat, Université d’Etat D’Haiti, Limonade
La frontière haitiano-dominicaine: une île dans l’île (The Haitian-Dominican Border: An Island Within an Island)
3. Edouard Duval-Carrié, visual artist and independent curator, Miami
Hispañola: Saga
Moderator: Herman Bennett, Professor, History, CUNY Graduate Center
Panel 2: Modern and Contemporary Art in Hispañola: Rethinking History
1. Scherezade Garcia, visual artist, New York
2. Cybil Charlier, visual artist, New York
3. Edward Sullivan, Helen Gould Sheppard Professor of the History of Art, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Radical Modernities on Both Sides of the Border: Santo Domingo & Port-au-Prince in the 1940s
Moderator: Judy Sund, Professor, Art History, CUNY Graduate Center
Gagá Now!
IRADAC Performance by Charo Oquet, visual artist, Miami
Charo Oquet in conversation with Tashima Thomas, Ph.D. Candidate, Rutgers University
Reception, Art History Lounge, CUNY Graduate Center, Room 3408
Coffee available in the Segal Theater